Well, I decided to take some starting pics of me at my highest weight. I've posted them on my Photos page. This is definitely NOT a pretty sight. Cankles, junk in the trunk, rolls of flab everywhere....I look like I'm pregnant! And I'm most definitely NOT! It's definitely time to make a change in my life. I don't want to look like this forever. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and right now I don't.
I've set myself two goals this week to get going on this journey. First of all, in a review of my food intake I realize that I drink an insane amount of calories. Sodas, decaf tea that I make (which could send someone into a diabetic coma), fruit juice, milk...the list goes on and on. That's a quick way to cut some unnecessary calories. I want to see if I can go for 100 days drinking nothing but water. That's not going to be easy. Breaking the Sprite and Fanta Orange habit is going to be extremely hard. I drink way too much sugar and consequently drink way too many calories.
I know that some of you who have broken the soda habit are saying "Just switch to diet soda or Sprite Zero." I can't. Both leave a gross aftertaste and I cannot stand the flavor of artificial sweeteners. It's sugar or bust. So, to make this work, no sugary drinks. Water for me going forward.
The second thing I'm going to make sure I do is track my food on My Fitness Pal. If I can't track it, don't eat it. Little nibbles and bites here and there are another of my downfalls. A handful of Cheez-its won't hurt, right? Well, how many handfuls go I end up eating at a time? Nope, if I'm going to eat it I have to measure out the proper amount so that the calories can be appropriately tracked.
This week's not really about changing what I eat or controlling anything except caloric intake. My Fitness Pal is telling me that in order to lose 2 pounds a week I need to keep my calories under 1440 per day. That's doable. So, drink only water and track my calories. I can handle that.
I'm still working on my list of 100 goals in 100 pounds. I'm halfway there. If you can think of any goals, please don't hesitate to let me know! Input is always appreciated!
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